Friday, March 14, 2014

Girl's Mother

The little girl was asleep on Ginger's sofa when Daniel came to pick her up. Ginger stepped out onto the porch and said, "Why don't we let her sleep a little bit longer?"

As a response, Daniel stared at his feet.

"Do you want a beer?" Ginger asked him.

He looked at her and a sincere wave of relief rolled over his face. He shook his head as if he were too exhausted to make his mouth form the word, "Yes."

When Ginger handed him the beverage, he hesitated at taking it from her. Then, once it was in his hand, he held it to his chest. Ginger twisted the top off from the bottle she brought outside for herself. She took a swig as she sized him up.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" she said.

He nodded. His gaze had fallen back to his feet.

"Where's her mother?"

He glanced up quickly and then focused his sight on the top of the bottle. He inhaled deeply, and with the exhale said, "Well...."

Daniel started to rub his hand across the back of his neck.

"She's gone," he finally said. Ginger had almost finished her drink by the time Daniel gave her that much of an answer. "She's gone," he repeated.

"Passed away?" Ginger asked. She knew she was prying, but something the little girl said earlier made her curious.

"No, no," Daniel said. "Just gone."

They sat in silence a while longer before Ginger said, "Well, thanks for clearing that up."

Daniel looked her in the eye and said, "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Sure," Ginger said.

"Where did you learn to do all this stuff?" Daniel waved his hand toward her door. Ginger was puzzled for a moment before she realized he meant the remodeling work.

"My folks," she said.

"Where are they?" Daniel asked.

"Gone," she said. "Just gone."

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